Educational game that teaches young children how to write letters a to z and numbers 1 to 9.
An essential part of the game is learning how to pronounce the written characters in English by using the microphone to instantly evaluate childrens spoken word.
The game is simple. First, pick one letter or number from the carousel. Watch the selected character being drawn in its natural stroke order. Now its your turn. Draw the character with your finger along the dotted line. Next, listen to the pronunciation of the character then repeat it until its recognized.
Feature Highlights
• Learn to write and speak alphabet characters and numbers
• Immediate feedback of pronunciation
• Adults may review learning progress
• 3 different characters collections available
• Adjustable stroke guidance of characters
• Adjustable playing speed
• No advertising
Suitable for children of ages 2 to 5.
Parents may review their childs learning progress. The accumulated numbers of tries of each character are available so that it is very easy to verify that all characters have been tried, and that they are practiced about equally many times.
Play and enjoy